Hey there grad! Congrats on your major accomplishment. Here’s your checklist for an amazing event.
Apply to graduate by February 14
All students who plan to graduate in spring of 2025 must apply to graduate in myOakton. Even if you do not plan to attend the ceremony, if you want to graduate with your degree or certificate, you must submit an application to graduate. Questions? Contact Registrar Services: registrarservices@oakton.edu.
If you already applied and successfully graduated in fall or summer 2024, you do not need to do this step to participate in the ceremony—you’re good to go!
During the ceremony
We use a tool called Tassel to display your name and credential on a screen as you walk across the stage and ensure that your name is pronounced correctly. You’ll also have the opportunity to upload a photograph that will be shown on the screen as you cross the stage!
Get Your Professional Headshot
Take a free professional headshot on February 13 (DP) or February 19 (SK) to upload in Tassel.
Order Your Cap and Gown
All commencement participants are required to wear an academic cap and gown
provided for free by the College. Order your cap and gown by March 9. Keep an eye out for instructions in your email.
Write Your Name
Write and record your name in Tassel. You’ll receive more information about this via email.
Pick Up Your Cap and Gown
Pick up your cap and gown and tickets between April 30 and May 9. Pickup locations are: Student Life and Campus Inclusion, Room 1530 (Des Plaines) or A130 (Skokie)
Send Invitations
Invite your friends and family to attend and celebrate with you. Each student will receive five event tickets.