On Sunday, March 16, some online services, including registration and bill payment, will be unavailable due to scheduled maintenance. D2L Brightspace and MyOakton will remain accessible for users with valid credentials.
A proctored examination is an exam that is overseen by an impartial individual (called proctor) who monitors or supervises a student while they take an exam. The proctor ensures the security and integrity of the exam process.
Federal regulations and programmatic accreditation agencies require testing in a proctored (supervised) setting, either in one of Oakton’s two testing centers, in the testing center of a local college or university, or via Oakton’s online proctoring service.
Select one of the options below for additional information.
Oakton's Testing Center is open one day a week on each campus by appointment only. Students who have a barrier to taking their tests remotely should speak with their professors about their concerns. Professors will then contact the Testing Center to discuss the best way to help the student.
Students taking online courses at Oakton College, but residing outside the college district, city and/or state can take their proctored exams in the testing center of a local college or university. Any additional fee for off-campus proctoring is the responsibility of the individual student. Read The Guidelines for Testing Off-campus (PDF) (387 KB), and submit a Test Proctoring Request Form at the beginning of each term.
Oakton College has made an arrangement with Honorlock Proctoring to facilitate your online proctoring experience.
Faculty using Honorlock will have their exams enabled inside your course shell in D2L. You do not have to submit a Test Proctoring Request Form, schedule or sign up for your proctored test with Honorlock.
To take an online proctored test via Honorlock:
Have a computer with a high-speed Internet connection, a webcam, headphones or speakers connected to the computer and a microphone. Students are required to use a student Photo ID or valid government-issued photo ID (driver’s license or state identification card) to verify identity.
Log into your course shell in D2L. Once your instructor makes the test available to you; you can take your proctored test on-demand any time, day or night. Head to your test and you will be able to start taking your Honorlock proctored test by simply following the instructions displayed before the test.
Honorlock proctoring has two fee options for students effective 1/1/2022: $10.00 per exam or $18.00 per course. It is up to the student to decide which fee option to subscribe to according to course proctoring needs.