Go to myOakton and follow the login instructions. Then click on the "My courses" tab, then on the "My Courses" channel. You should see all your courses listed here. When you click on your online course, you will be linked directly to the course homepage, or to course information your instructor has provided.
When you are out of the country or when MyOakton is down for any reason, you should login to D2L directly.
If you experience difficulty logging in, please see Troubleshooting D2L Login Problems.
If you need assistance while using D2L, please click on the Virtual Assistant "Get Help" Icon at the bottom lower right corner. You can also call D2L support at 877.325.7778, which is available 24/7.
The Online Learning office can be reached at onlinelearning@oakton.edu or by phone at 847.635.1971.
Note: There are activities such as quizzes within a class that can be "conditionally" released based on the student ID, date, or other factors. These are controlled by your instructor. If you login successfully but have trouble opening one of these activities within the class, consult your instructor first.
Unsure where to begin? Take a look at this short video and the D2L Student Tutorials for help in using the Learning Management System, (LMS).
Start with "Access D2L" and "D2L Navigation." Then, check out the "Brightspace Pulse" video. It is a free app for Android or iOS devices that will synch directly to your course and provide a weekly calendar, personal to-do lists, grades, course updates, and notifications. Search for Brightspace Pulse in the Google Play or iTunes App Store to download the app. Once downloaded, select Oakton College from the school list and connect Brightspace Pulse to your D2L account using your Oakton credentials (username/password).
Clicking on the course in myOakton takes you to that course's page in D2L. The course page will have several "widgets" or function areas in the course.
The navigation bar provides links to course-specific tools. Generally the links are: Content, Discussions, Assignments, Quizzes/Exams, Grades, Checklist, Classlist, Groups, and More Tools. The available links in the navigation bar may change depending on your course and the features your course instructor chose to use.
The Course homepage generally provides quick access to important information, such as Announcements (course-related), Updates and Calendar items.
Besides your course page, D2L has a home page, found by selecting the "Home" icon in the upper left of the page.
The toolbar at the top of the page is the minibar. The minibar is always present and allows you to navigate within D2L.
Home Icon and Oakton logo: back to your D2L homepage.
Course Selector allows you to search or pin your courses.
Messages Alerts icon notifies you about unread mail and instant messages.
Update Alerts icon notifies you about new and updated announcements, upcoming due dates and end dates, and new and updated grades.
Subscription Alerts icon notifies you about new blog posts and new discussion posts in forums, topics and threads you have subscribed to.
Personal Menu is linked to your name. Your personal menu lets you edit user-specific settings, including your profile, notifications, and account settings. You can also view your progress and log out from your personal menu.
The D2L homepage generally provides quick access to important information, such as My Courses, Announcements, Updates and Calendar items.
My Courses shows the enrolled courses that you pinned in a tile style.
Announcement shows the global news or announcement from D2L administrators.
Calendar shows D2L-related events input by your teachers, administrators or you for all of your D2L courses.